Sleepy, foggy Sunday morning... In pajamas tiptoe (not to wake Chloë) out to get my Sunday N.Y. Times... as I am reaching for the latch on the gate my neighbor opens it and hands me the paper... lovely start to what was a perfectly lovely day. The tiptoeing didn't work, which turned out to be fine seeing as how she was smiling and saying "good morning" to us over and over. "What did you dream about?" "um...Mommy and ummm, Daddy and umm, Baby, and ummm..." So heartwarmingly cute. We all got ready, had some sips of coffee and out the door to Oakleigh (a family of friends property where our community meets for frisbee games and such) for a sunday morning game. Everyone had their game faces (smiles) on and all giddy and well slept. A sweet morning although Benzo hurt his leg. Then back home for some napping. When she woke the second time we headed off in the stroller for a long walk and short shop for almond butter (a necessity) and a lolli (I gave in). Chloë took a fall on her finally, freshly healed knee so she had a long soak in the sink. Papa made lentils with coconut milk... yes. We, lastly, but not leastly, went on a late night walk so Benny could buy some bike off a craigslist ad. He ended up buying both the guy was selling so we walked back home with a baby in a stroller and two bikes looking like a couple of cracked out, breeding, bicycle thieves. We got home all safely and soundly and with no more injuries to type of. Watched the rest of the "Daily Show" (also a necessity) and went down for a snuggle. Chloë is sleeping, Benny is painting, I am typing and all is right with the world. Goodnight!
hello 2024
1 year ago
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