This day, a year ago, was a Thursday. It started with Ben doing his Thursday morning deliveries... Chloe and I waking up, cleaning the house and getting ready for the day. That's us, up there, that morning after Chloes bath, on the front porch.

The other photo is less than 24 hours later... the same porch. It was a sweet, peaceful day and the evening was nice. We had planned to go to a potluck over at a friends that evening. Ben was baking corn bread and feeding Chloe dinner in her high chair when I left. I grabbed my cell phone in one pocket and car keys in the other and left for frisbee. While babysitting at Oakleigh, around 5:45pm, we noticed a (then small looking) fire up at the tea gardens. I called Ben and asked him to bring Chloe and her diaper bag and come to where I was. The fire spread quickly and we evacuated from there. Never a chance to go back up, but we probably wouldn't have even if there was. Within an hour of leaving there we knew it was gone. We received this, slightly ironic, if not down right silly, reverse 911 call to evacuate around 8pm... anyway, It's a miracle that the only people hurt in that massive, insanely fast fire were the young couple,
Lance and Carla Hoffman , who were pretty badly burned. My heart goes out to them today. They will never be able to fully recover and forget this fire. I also want to spend some time today thanking all of the people who helped us get through it. Our friends and family really came through and we were and are still continuously amazed by all the love and support we have. Thank you friends, thank you family, thank you universe!
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