Lurking in some deep, dark crevasses there are some things... lingering... that I don't share. That's pretty common, right? Pretty human. Petty... but, human. (stalling). After that period just there I typed a sentence ten different ways and deleted each and every one. It was, more or less, that lingering, lurking thing. This post will be really unsatisfying as the reader, but so therapeutic as the typist. Ideally, every human would have their feelings typed for me to read and resonate with and respond to... in my perfect world. It would ease up the guess work. Not sharing those things makes this semi-daily blog feel a bit disingenuous, but it's here... available in every ugly detail if anyones into it. I'd just like to look into someones eyes when I tell it. So, if you're a frequent reader and think my life seems so perfectly peachy and sunny... well, it mostly is. Also though, on those days in between, when there isn't a post, it would be a good guess to think i'm sharing those uglier things while looking into someones eyes. (fingers crossed)
hello 2024
1 year ago
i'd love to look into your eyes and hear it all. there's gold there.