Esau was born May 4th, 2010 at 11:32 pm... weighing 8 pounds, 9.9 ounces. Big, healthy and amazing. My sister Sarah labored for almost two days. My mom, Chloe and I had plane tickets to go see her wednesday the fifth, but when we got the text on Monday that her water broke and she had been admitted, we hopped on the first plane out of Long Beach and got there to the hospital around 8pm that very night. She labored throughout the night and all the next day. We kept hope and kept seeing little signs he was getting closer... finally around 11pm Tuesday they said they were taking her in for a c-section. We waited with baited breath. Eventually, around 12:15 cinco de mayo Marty (his papa, her husband, my brother in law) came out and told us they were both being transported to another hospital and that we should go and get some sleep... The next morning we went to Oakland hospital where baby Esau was now in the NICU and my beautiful sister was in a recovery room. There had been swelling in Esaus head and brain and due to a cord crimp he had gone several minutes without oxygen. We hoped for the best and feared the worst. He stayed on a cooling table for three days to reduce swelling. He had been having little seizures ever since his dramatic entry to Earth. Sarah was amazing us by walking and talking and joking just hours after what the doctors called the most difficult c-section they had ever done. Finally, Sunday, mothers day May 9th... they began warming him. Monday they got him back to normal body temperature and gave him an MRI. They found 100% normal brain!!! Not a bit of damage of any kind. All the well wishes and prayers are working. Monday May 10th Sarah and Marty got to hold their big baby boy. They sat with him and stared at him the way mammals do when they are astounded that this miracle came from them. Tuesday, yesterday, we had to leave. My mom, Chloe and I gave kisses and cheers and said our tearful goodbyes leaving Sarah, Marty and baby Esau to their new life together. Esau is still in Neonatal Intensive Care. They are trying to figure out the seizures, but after this rough start he will more than likely be totally perfect and fine. Sarah got to change his diaper yesterday after we left and reminded all of us that it's the little things that matter most. Esau is now a week and a day old and so so loved.
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