This chilly, autumnal morning Benny put Chloe in her new bike seat and headed out for a dewy morning ride. I jacketed her, kissed her sweet cheek, then his and off they rode. Left to my own devices, I did what any free wheeling lady would do... actually, I washed my van. Pretty exciting stuff. Van wash, gas fill, vacuum... the whole nine. I then decided to pick up some clothes from the house that I love, but alas, never wear. How I always end up with such great things I never wear, I may never know. The blessing in this happening is that there is a
Buffalo Exchange in Ventura and, as any great clothing girl knows,
Buffalo Exchange is nothing less than totally radical. Cool clothes and I headed down to Ojai to pick up sister Brittany and bring her and her cool, not worn, clothes too. We stopped at the Deer Lodge so she could smooch her other and we could fill our bellies with goodness. A delightful
Hefeweizen and Buffalo Salad later and we were back on our (Buffalo Day) way. Ventura greeted us with tons and tons of other visitors. We then found out the hoopla was partially caused by an art show at the place we were headed. "Oh great!" I sarcastically thought, but it ended cool, as things generally do. We walked right in and up to the selling counter. I sold enough stuff for just under forty bucks store credit. This helped me to bring home two fall flavored dresses, a pair of shorts and an apron. A smooth, sunny drive home and a sweet greeting from my happy faced loves and now BumBee is sleeping, Papa, bike fixing and fiddling and Mama, blogging and appreciating. I will leave you now with five things that make life happy for me:
1. Clothing exchanges
2. Hefeweizen with lemon wedge
3. Buffalo things (stores and wings)
4. the me I get to be when I get to be just me
5. a day off from your regular day to day to make you realize just how sweet your day to day is.