All the alone time on Saturday left me craving some serious family time yesterday, so Ben and I bundled ourselves and tiny dinosaur (seen left) and headed out to a local pumpkin patch. Pumpkin patches are quintessentially fall. It's a concentrated mix of all things autumnal. The only thing missing was the cold. It was summer sun and caused a quick unbundling as soon as we got there. Dinosaur had to shed her bright green skins which, though she was sweating, she did not want to do. We wondered a corn maze, got some amazing kettle corn (which I just polished off), picked two beautiful pumpkins that we will carve as soon as sleepyhead wakes, and fed a goat some straw. All in all, a really great time. We will definitely be back before the pumpkins turn to christmas trees. So, to end family fun day, we went for bike ride in the evening and came home for a papa made supper. Salmon, rice and brussel sprouts! It doesn't look as exciting spelled out as it tasted in our mouths. Which brings us to this lovely Monday... Today met us with a bright shinning sun and bright shinning faces. Chloe and papa took a morning bike ride while I readied myself. Some laundry, car talk, walking and house cleaning and now I am planning to return the amazing dinner favor to my handsome husband. Sunshine squash soup for this sunshiny day.
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