This day, two years ago, was a Sunday. That Saturday we had gone down to Huntington Beach for a dear friends fathers memorial service. Ben and me and my huge, barrel of a belly... Whilst there, in the bathroom of the service, mid-service, I found my long awaited, much anticipated, mucous plug. This was the first sign of the events to follow. We called all the proper people and held off on getting too excited because she wasn't due till halloween. Yes, halloween was her auspicious due date. Auspicious because of the holiday, but also because it is the day
Ben and I first met. Still being two weeks to halloween, we decided to head back home, but not get too anxious. We slept easy that night and woke up slow (the last time either of these things has happened since)... That Sunday morning Ben went to play frisbee and I went on a cleaning spree. The legendary "nesting" cleaning that ladies and other mothering mammal do when they are about to spawn. The house was ready. I was ready. Around 8 pm we went down to the art studio to watch the Simpsons. At the end of the episode I was standing, swiveling my hips with my hands against Ben's art desk when... rumble... pop... splash, my water broke! We went up the hill and made the same set of phone calls with the new news. Alice, our beloved midwife said to eat something and try to relax. The eating part was easy, the relaxing, however... not so much. About 10 pm the contractions started. Pretty quickly they were regularly distanced apart and coming strong. I was back and forth to the bathroom and laying on the bed. The coyotes and winds were howling through the canyon. Ben, being awesome as usual, went in to get a space heater to warm what was about to be the birthing room when, pop... splash... the houses water broke! A pipe connecting the water heater broke and emptied the contents of a 20 gallon water heater all over our entire tiny cottage. At about 11, or so, Laurel (our beautiful friend and other midwife) came, took one look around, and said "you're coming to my house"... the car ride is blurry... contractions every few minutes. We got there near midnight. Remy, their dog, greeted us at the door with his head against my leg as if to say "how are you?"... I was checked (effaced, but not at all dilated) and in the tub, which Glenn (our beautiful friends beautiful husband) had just cleaned in preparation (THANK YOU). One hour in the tub and I was complete. Zero to Ten in one hour! Next it was out of the tub and into their room, some changes of positions, an amazing crowning session, and pop... Chloë Bee Ciccati born 2:55 AM 10/15/07. The greatest accomplishment of my life bequeathed the greatest lo

ve of my life. Chloë, it has been so nice to meet you!
gosh! i love this story!