just start typing. To get past these little blocks. Past this creeping feeling of narcissism. What will people think? How will this get viewed or interpreted? That's not the point. Ever since loosing everything (including every journal written since kidhood), everything has seemed so, incredibly tangible and transient. The overwhelming temporariness of things has settled in me not wanting to create things that can burn. There, I typed it. Now that it's out and I can read it and analyze it, I see, clearly that it's pretty much pish posh. So, this started as a way to get me to just write. Just start typing again. Also, I love the idea of a journal or diary that I just leave out in the open for anyone to stumble upon and read and comment. It's a way of making my heart and mind accessible, not just to the one's I love that know it is, but to "strangers" (if there really is such a thing)... just the friends we haven't met yet. The gratefullness bit is cool too, just for reminding me, even on the blahest of days, how extraordinary it is to be here, now.
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