This past week was pretty epic. Last time I typed (last Thursday) was rainy and grey and we stayed in all day. Friday was mostly about cozy dryness too... but, Saturday was revolutionary. While Chloe slept, my mom picked me up around 9 am... we headed up the 154 and, with some time and $100 to kill, went to the Chumash Casino. Being that it was only the third time I ever gambled we set some limits. Just one hour and that hundred would be spent. no more. My mom, the master, immediately won another hundred, so we put the first back in her purse and now both had what we walked in with (which is the way to do it)... with the "play money" we went to some other machines and I started winning. It was this hooting owl game and at one point I was up to $740. Totally freaking out and slapping each other on the legs we continued playing. I lost some, but we managed to walk out of there with $600 that we didn't have when we walked in. We were both high on it all the way to San Lois Obispo. We were meeting all the Long Beach ladies and my sister at the
Madonna Inn. Click on the name of it if you want to be amazed. That's the room we were in. After the first bottle of champagne, we checked in and ran around our crazy cool room. After a trip to the store and two more bottles of champagne, we found our way to dinner. The whole place is just a trip, so drunk or not, you feel that way. My mom, Sister Sarah, Nicol, Charlie, Kelly, Maria and I make up a pretty fun dinner table. We headed back to the room. Sarah, with six month pregnant belly and my mom went to bed. The rest of us went to the pool. So BEAUTIFUL! That was one of the highlights. We partied till the wee hours and eventually went to bed. My first night since conceiving that I was not next to my sleeping bee... but, it went better than I could have imagined. Ben said she slept through the night and didn't cry once. My little girl is grown. We got back to my house about noonish and picked her up for lunch time with grandma and mama. Then, the three of us headed down to the LBC. My grandma threw my uncle John and I a birthday dinner party at her house Sunday night. Chloe and I stayed at my moms and headed back on the train Monday. Tuesday I turned 31! I awoke to my lovely husband making me a hazelnut latte with little shavings of chocolate truffles on top. He knows the way to my heart. Chloe and I had a cozy day at home while I got little messages of love and well wishes every once in a while. It was super sweet. We met friends for drinks at the brewery around 4ish and went for sushi after. All in all, a really sweet birthday. Yesterday was mostly about coming down from the highs of the week leading up and ending with a trip to the dentist and coming home numb. It was an early night and early morning this morning. Now my girl is napping. I am all blogged up and my man will be home shortly, so, till next type. Peace in your general area;)