Thursday, January 21, 2010

dearest reader,

yes, you, reading... how are you? I really would very much like to know (leave a comment) as this rainy, stormy grey cold has us cozied up for the week and I am feeling very disconnected. I haven't typed much only because there are so many feelings and emotions flying around and through me. Lot's of my heart has been in Haiti this past week. Then Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. day and the reflecting of our "society" and what it was and has become and still has to go (i'm afraid). The storm started Monday and has only for moments at a time let up since then. Long enough to get to the store or do laundry's about it. So, my tiny bee and I have been working on two major things: one... the potty, which is working out rather well when we are home or near a good restroom. two... weaning, and I am proud to say "my girl is weaned" done and done. Only, it has been two days of no booby now and I am totally engorged. Some my think it would be fun to have these huge, Jessica Rabbit, extras for a few days, and to those some, I assure you... it is not fun. So I am Ibuprofening and wineing and a little bit of whining, though not much for the discomfort I am in. It's all in a pretty clear perspective and I am feeling really lucky and proud, mostly. My man is home now, from a long night of painting out in the rainy night, so I'm going to go cozy him up too. Thanks for reading, reader. Love and comfort, MC Wifenstein
image is a "booby cake" I made for Chlover for her big step...

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