Tuesday, January 5, 2010

tea test...

It may be the greyness of the sky or the pile of laundry that is simply refusing to fold itself while I sip my tea... but, today has me feeling just a bit gloomy. Still forever grateful, and gloomy. The things that, just yesterday, seemed like possibilities, today, seem like huge mountains and I don't have my hiking boots on. With a few strange interactions with, seemingly, not so aware others/strangers... and a little too much self awareness... I am feeling, suddenly, like things that come out of my mouth on a regular basis, 90% of the time, are purely anecdotal and inane. I... I... I... should knock that off. In this new year it would be great to strike that particular letter (when used all alone, anyway) completely from my vocabulary. It would be a true test to take the "I" key and hide it away for awhile.. though, it would leave sentences looking (lookng) rather funny/wrong. Hopefully typing, this is just a mood and as Ben explained to Chloe when she was just a few days old... "these moods pass, they just come and go like a breeze". There is "uplifting" tea steeping in my cup... soon to be sipped... and we'll see just how "uplifting" it is.

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