Seems fitting that I start this project with the person closest to me, both in proximity and heart. Mostly because of the fact that she grew inside my body and lived in, on and around me for the last several years. She is made of the love Ben and I had and have for each other. Pure love being. Ben and I, upon finding out she was growing in there, vowed to be her hosts and tour guides of this weird beautiful world. We would show her what we know and all that we've learned while here. What I hadn't fully expected was how much I would learn from her. She is an amazing teacher. She has taught me to slow down, way, way down. She's shown me things, things I've taken for granted all my life, through those brand new brown eyes. I didn't realize how much of her own personality, humor and knowing she would come here with. She was who she is from the first moment those cells divided. I'm sure of it. These past 30 months or so has been a lesson in being. Just being. She seems only concerned with what is. Right now. It's awesome. She has made me a mother, forever. That's as real and solid as it gets as far as I'm concerned. Thank You, sweet girl. P.S. she's a heartstring prodigy, you should hear the way she strums!
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