Thirteen days and you might think I'd have some incredible stories to type. Well, let's see what I can recall of this missing week... Benny started his assignment in Tarzana (arting their new Whole Foods) and we were planning on missing him for almost a week, but it just didn't last... we packed up and headed south this weekend. Chloe and I went out to Palmdale to visit grandpa Garry. By an amusing and confusing turn of events, his electricity was out for the whole weekend, so we lit every candle in the place, made an amazing grilled salmon dinner on the barbecue and played Trivial Pursuit by candlelight. It was like the classiest camp out ever. Then, Sunday, we set out to find Benny. We found him smiling (I'm glad to type) because he was, as he quotes, "kicking it's ass". We got a personal, Benniful, tour of the place and the arts and then headed over to his hotel room. We leisurely did laundry and sat with our feet dangling in the pool till it was done. We spent the day touring L.A. like a couple of lost, out-of-towners. Yesterday Chloe and I went down to Long Beach and lunched with Grandma Deb. During this sweet little side trip I took the van in to get three things checked out and at the end they came in and said "Karen?" (this being the girl I bought the van from) and I said "yes?" and they said "it's free of charge" and upon happily sharing this information with Ben, he said "nice job, Karen". I will have to send her a little thank you note for being such a loyal customer. What else? Last week my bosses vacationed and left the office in my care. Yes, mine. I know. It felt really great to know that I am at the point with this now-not-so-new job that they know they can trust me. I had a great work week and with the extra hours, a great work week check to take with me next week on our huge Welcome-baby-Esau adventure. Chloe and I are home now, her napping and me typing (as usual) and all is well in our world. We'll be home for about three more days till we leave on that ten day trip, so if I don't type till then, see you in May!
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