Something, I realized, that my job provides, is a feeling of on-pointedness... I can't believe that wasn't underlined in red, but there it is... on-pointedness. When spending days at a desk, keeping everything filed and in order, checking things off lists and calling everyone back, following up and shutting off at the end of the day, I come home feeling really precise. All I's are dotted and T's are crossed. Imagine holding a stack of papers and getting them in order and tapping them on the table so they're all neatly in line and then putting them in a file folder and filing it in proper order. That's what I'm talking about. This is not for everyone, I know. But to give you a glimpse into why this particular lameness attracts me so, when my sister and I were little we used to spend hours at a time playing "office". We would write each other "slips" and "receipts" and memos. We typed some and highlighted a lot. It was very important to us. My sister is now an accounts payable clerk and my mom, grandma and probably countless other ladies in our family also keep books and general administrative things. It's in our blood. Speaking of which: next week is Administrative Professionals Week. We like lilies.
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