Friday, July 2, 2010


just sweet, pure love... all day. Thought's of gentle, careful, kindness. Hearts handeled with kid gloves.

stuff and things...

Hello out there. It's me. The textual me. The representation of that Michelle lady in cyberspace. In this box on this screen where I can take all these words I have learned to think with over all these years and scramble them up and put them in funny combinations that maybe, perhaps, just might strike a familiar chord in you... light up some long forgotten journal entry in your heart. Hello. Thanks for reading, which allows me access to your insides. You should know that I love you. I will not judge or misconstrue... only love you and share. Let's play "add things to each other's worlds" (it's fun)... It goes like this: first, you think of someone, anyone, or pick a stranger, then you think of a cool way to touch their life in a beautiful, special, different sort of way (that's the tricky part), then you do it and keep it to yourself. I'll start... there. I loved you with all of my heart. Now, it's your turn.