Saturday, March 27, 2010

sat... er... day

These weekend days usually see Benny off on his bicycle before we even get the fairy poop out of the corners of our sleepy eyes. He likes to go garage sailing early weekend mornings. This is the only sport which he admits was far better in Long Beach, actually the only thing at all that he admits was better in Long Beach. Chloe and I are up to our usual antics also... namely, latte sipping and caillou watching while I clean stuff. It's really so exciting that I am having trouble capturing it all here. Tonight I have called a ladies night. Our dear, Über creative, friend Jennifer is having a concert in her dreamy barn. I've got two of my very favorites coming with me and I will submit a full report tomorrow or when the dreamy fog lifts...

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

two days in a row...

what's the occasion? Wednesday has not been well represented here as of late. So, here's what Wednesdays are mostly about. The mornings are similar to the Mondays and the Tuesdays, but then, something different happens... Ben comes home early these days and plays with our girl which leaves me... well, to me. Sometimes I take myself out and show me a good time. Sometimes I hang out and watch them play as my heart nearly bursts with joy of their union and pride for our unit. Today... I did laundry.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

MC Weekly

Loving life is a full time job. Since last weeks post I had two really enjoyable days at work (I know, amazing, but true) then we went to "Grandpa Gares" (Bens dads out in Palmdale) for the weekend. We headed up there Friday and headed back Sunday. It is like staying at a five star resort. During the relaxing, lovely weekend I got to devour a book a friend from work lent me. The Middle Place is an amazing novel written by a lady who I never met, but feel so kin to. It will make you smile, laugh and cry out loud and pick up your children and husband and kiss them for what they think is no reason, but because actually you are imagining your life without them and theirs without you. I literally could not set it down (I took it to the bathroom with me) until it was finished and even then I just wished there were more. So, we're back home now. Yesterday was a wild goose chase trying to figure out a "fix it" ticket, but basically taking a walking tour of all of our local administrative buildings and workers. More of that planned for today actually. While on our tour we met a favioesque gypsy man, with long flowing locks and gold earrings, who gave me a book about finding the richness in your life. hmmmm.... more on that after the reading. So, today some planning is happening in my brain and that too will be expounded upon figuring it out. More to come! Happy Spring... it done sprung!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

magical mystery tour

so, fried day of last week Chlover and I headed down to Long Beach after work... Saturday we showered Auntie Sarah with baby gifts and love... Sunday Chlo and I went on a hike at the nature center and then on a drive down memory lane. I showed her my elementary school and how I used to walk home, my old parks and the house I grew up in. She was just slightly impressed. That night we got to hang out with my friend Camille, which further enriched the memory lane trip. more on this...

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Marching on...

only two days this time... maybe the blogging is all coming back to me... or maybe my girl is sleeping in this morning. Yesterday she woke and said "quite a dark we had to sleep".... I love her. Her word fiddling far exceeds my highest hopes. I can only hope now that it gets more flowery and fruity with age and that school (at some point) does not dampen it. I can not wait to play words with the older version of Chlover Bee! Today is Wednesday. It will mostly be about a surprise dental visit for me, as I can not seem to stay away from them for longer than a month or so... Dr. Rai... then, an hour at work later to catch up with the week there. I will sneak plenty of kisses in with Benny and Chloe and anyone else who may be asking for it. I will end this entry with a tale of yesterday: Tuesday, March 9th... Chloe and I got ready for our day and headed out to the van in our usual manor. Upon taking the drivers seat, my horn began to honk.... HONK!! not sporadic, just a continuous HOOOONNNNNKKKKK... I called Ben, who informed me that I would have to take it to the mechanic that fixed it last, the mechanic across town. This began our long, embarrassing journey through upset traffic and confused bystanders. It was truly a social experiment that took me through levels of embarrassment not felt since grade school. These levels should be visited more often, it would make for better people, and blog posts.

Monday, March 8, 2010

another Monday...

something about mondays makes me want to blog... I guess it's the slowness and longness of them. They are like molasses on a cold day. This one got a jolt of rejuvenation with a phone call from Andy (our dear friend) asking to take us to sushi. Chloe and I met Ben and Anders over at the sushi Teri house... sweet conversation with good friends and sushi rolls is always in order! now home, Chloe is taking everything out of the cupboard and saying "i'm making a cake, just a minute!" so, I had better get in there with some quickness. Thanks for keeping up!

Monday, March 1, 2010

So, it's March! already... yes, March 1st. Today I am thankful that there is not a "smell" feature on the internet, for I have learned the delicate art of caramelizing garlic. Caramel Garlic.
A dear, great friend of ours, Andy, made me a soapstone bowl for my birthday specifically intended to roast garlic. And roast garlic, I do.
Also, in todays news, the votes are in (from our immediate family) and Chloe Bee is named (again, by our immediate family only) the worlds most amazing and cutest kid.
Congratulations, Chloe.