Friday, February 26, 2010

Come again...

well, it's been a week and a day and felt like a year. again. Since we last cyber spaced together, Chloe and I did our big trip... which was just about perfect. We saw eleven relatives in 4 days... whew... and all of it was sweeter than peach pie. Also, I started a job... yes!... a JOB. After two, and almost one half, years I am a working lady once again. You are reading the typings of Dr. Dodero, the audiologists, new receptionist. I (sweetly) greet all patients and make them feel welcome... and they are. It makes my days and life in general feel really full and important. Not that being a mom all the time didn't, just that getting to be a mom feels so much sweeter when there are the times I get to be something else. The chance to be somewhere, if only twelve plus hours a week, that is super tidy and quiet and calm is therapeutic to the near drug state. So, the life of panty hose, paper clips and faxes has lured me back again and I am so grateful.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

day to day

tomorrow we take off for a short trip. Chloe and I will load up, head to Long Beach, then the next day fly to Oakland. Saturday will have us driving to Redding with my sis and her belly full of baby. Back to Lafayette Sunday and LBC on Monday. Tuesday may be about lingering in the LBC for a day to see some folks and get some grandma time in. Then Tuesday will see us home. I will be back to this keyboard... bored.... maybe Wednesday. Till then... LOVE and buttercups to you and yours.

two great films last night...

are ruminating in my brain... the first was "brief interviews with hideous men", which introduced me to David Foster Wallace, who I now know was just brilliant and will find his novel, "infinite jest", today to take on my trip tomorrow. The second was "the Virgin Suicides" (also so brilliant). Sophia Coppola wrote and directed this piece of art. Incredible. So, lot's of inspiration to pay with today and lot's to think about and daydream on.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


I just checked out the names and faces of the women following here and you should all know that you are amongst a few of the strongest, most brilliant others. Thanks for reading and caring and just being around...
Raana J Brezenoff
and, my beautiful Sis. Love to you, amazings!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


I've been carrying this around in my heart for a week!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Nooks and Crannies...

Lurking in some deep, dark crevasses there are some things... lingering... that I don't share. That's pretty common, right? Pretty human. Petty... but, human. (stalling). After that period just there I typed a sentence ten different ways and deleted each and every one. It was, more or less, that lingering, lurking thing. This post will be really unsatisfying as the reader, but so therapeutic as the typist. Ideally, every human would have their feelings typed for me to read and resonate with and respond to... in my perfect world. It would ease up the guess work. Not sharing those things makes this semi-daily blog feel a bit disingenuous, but it's here... available in every ugly detail if anyones into it. I'd just like to look into someones eyes when I tell it. So, if you're a frequent reader and think my life seems so perfectly peachy and sunny... well, it mostly is. Also though, on those days in between, when there isn't a post, it would be a good guess to think i'm sharing those uglier things while looking into someones eyes. (fingers crossed)

Friday, February 12, 2010

To Valentine...

"Subtle degrees of domination and servitude are what you know of love.
But love is different.
it arrives complete... just there,
like the moon in the window.
Desire only that of which you have no hope.
Seek only that of which you have no clue.
Love is the sea of Not Being... and there, intellect drowns.
This is the shoreless sea; here, swimming ends always in drowning.
a million galaxies are a little scum on that shoreless sea." -RUMI

(thanks brother Sunny for bringing this to my table)

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


another rainy day in our cozy nest...

Friday, February 5, 2010

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

the third.

At almost a week since I last typed, there is surprisingly little to share... here. The weekend was mostly uneventful, with the exception of Sunday evening, which was one of the most fun I've had in a while. We went out to Ojai to see our siblings new space. It's sweet (like them). Then we ventured over to sister Britts wine bar. We stayed there several hours just sipping and nibbling and talking and enjoying everything. Breakfast at Tiffanys was on in the background, which seemed to add to the dreaminess. Arriving safely at home with a sleeping baby, Ben and I had a long awaited, much anticipated night together. We danced and laughed and loved and cracked each other up. Monday Chloe and I went down to LBC for the night to do some shower planning and see the folks before a trip they leave for on Friday. We got back yesterday and had another sweet night. Today was about the zoo. My little friend and I went and met some friends at the SB Zoo. They left about an hour later or so, but Chlover and I weren't quite ready to, so we stayed and wondered and explored. There were hardly any other people there, so when we were at the giraffes, we were the only humans. It was perfect. We did every gimmicky zoo thing. photos to come.