Thursday, November 12, 2009


This week happened faster than I could say "uncle"... Come with me as I take a few steps back. Last Friday, as I typed before, Uncle Tony came for a super sweet, several day visit. He left Monday day, Ben worked that night, then Tuesday came and POW... another uncle visit. This time it was Uncle Johnny. His visit was also several days and super sweet. The super sweetness of both was in the fact that it did not feel like we had a visitor, just totally normal life happening as it would were it just us. They are family to us, comfortable, easy. I didn't feel the need to be constantly sweeping up Chloe bits from around their feet or putting out the "guest only" things (which was great because we don't have any "guest only" things). Our brothers from other mothers. So, Uncle John took off today, leaving a bowl of his incredible buffalo chili for me to gobble for dinner. Thanks Juan!
(that's an old photo up there, hence the small baby head, but one with both of said uncles)

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