Sunday, October 11, 2009

Two stories of love...

two notes I forgot to add to that last post: One, on Wednesday, out at the farm, Jeff and Zyrka (the newly wedded couple) came out to talk produce with Tom, as they were walking in they walked along the grass out near the goats and passed an older couple walking out. This older couple looked to be in their late seventies (or so), grey haired and tender. For a small moment I stood and watched as this old couple, closer to the end of their days here, slowly walked out and this new, vibrant couple, all fresh and glowing, walked in. There was such sweetness to both, so intrenched in their togetherness they didn't even see the other pair. Both couples holding hands and interested in what the partner had to say. The moment they passed each other I snapped a photo in my mind and will recall it any time I think of marriage. Second, last night, Nona (a dear hearted friend) and I stood near the dance floor (sleeping baby on my front). We watched as couples danced a couples dance to Al Green... it struck us how beautifully coupled this group in front of us was. It began with Glenn and Laurel, both so complete in themselves and then together...POW... just dynamic. Then we noticed, next to them, Matt and Aly and how strong each is independent of the other, but together just amazing. Then Andrew and Gabriella. Then the newly weds. In every instance one had found such a perfect match in the other. We decided it was like looking over a box of the worlds finest chocolates, so damn sweet!

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